Associate Professor Department of Cell Biology Chanin Bldg., Room 302C 718.430.3339 Hilda.ye@einsteinmed.org
Research Interest Publications Biosketch Lab Members Online Journals Protocols Bioinformatics Lymphoma Links Online Books & Science Portals
Chung EY, Mai Y, Shah UA, Wei Y, Ishida E, Kataoka K, Ren X, Pradhan K, Bartholdy B, Wei X, Zou Y, Zhang J, Ogawa S, Steidl U, Zang X, Verma A, Janakiram M, Ye BH. PAK Kinase Inhibition Has Therapeutic Activity in Novel Preclinical Models of Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma. Clin Cancer Res. 25:3589–601, 2019. PMID: 30862694 (Cover Article). [PDF Full Text]
Shah UA, Chung EY, Giricz O, Pradhan K, Kataoka K, Gordon-Mitchell S, Bhagat TD, Mai Y, Wei Y, Ishida E, Choudhary GS, Joseph A, Rice R, Gitego N, Parrish C, Bartenstein M, Goel S, Mantzaris I, Shastri A, Derman O, Binder A, Gritsman K, Kornblum N, Braunschweig I, Bhagat C, Hall J, Graber A, Ratner L, Wang Y, Ogawa S, Verma A*, Ye BH*, Janakiram M*. North American ATLL has a Distinct Mutational and Transcriptional Profile and responds to epigenetic therapies. Blood. 132:1507-1518, 2018. PMID: 30104217. (*corresponding authors). [PDF Full Text]
Kuo PY, Jatiani SS, Rahman AH, Edwards D, Jiang Z, Ahr K, Perumal D, Leshchenko VV, Brody J, Shaknovich R, Ye BH, Parekh S. SOX11 augments BCR signaling to drive MCL-like tumor development. Blood. 131:2247-2255, 2018. PMID: 29615403. [PDF Full Text]
Mai Y, Yu JJ, Bartholdy B, Xu-Monette ZY, Knapp EE, Yuan F, Chen H, Ding BB, Yao Z, Das B, Zou Y, Young KH, Parekh S, Ye BH. Subtype-specific mechanism for Doxorubicin-triggered cytotoxicity in diffuse large B cell lymphomas. Blood. 128(24):2797-2807, 2016. PMID: 27737889. [PDF Full Text]
Alvarez, M. J., Shen, Y., Giorgi, F.M., Lachmann, A., Ding, B.B., Ye, B.H., Califano, A. Network-based inference of protein activity helps functionalize the genetic landscape of cancer. Nature Genet, 48(8):838-4, 2016. PMID: 27322546. [PDF Full Text]
Zell, M., Assal, A., Derman, O., Kornblum, N., Battini, R., Wang, Y., Mantzaris, I., Shastri, A., Verma, A., Ye, B.H., Braunschweig, I., and Janakiram, M. Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma in the Caribbean cohort is a distinct clinical entity with dismal response to conventional chemotherapy. Oncotarget, 2016 Jun 22. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.10223. PMID: 27341021. [PDF Full Text]
Geng H, Hurtz C, Lenz KB, Chen Z, Baumjohann D, Thompson S, Goloviznina NA, Chen WY, Huan J, LaTocha D, Ballabio E, Xiao G, Lee JW, Deucher A, Qi Z, Park E, Huang C, Nahar R, Kweon SM, Shojaee S, Chan LN, Yu J, Kornblau SM, Bijl JJ, Ye BH, Ansel KM, Paietta E, Melnick A, Hunger SP, Kurre P, Tyner JW, Loh ML, Roeder RG, Druker BJ, Burger JA, Milne TA, Chang BH, Müschen M. Self-Enforcing Feedback Activation between BCL6 and Pre-B Cell Receptor Signaling Defines a Distinct Subtype of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancer Cell. 27(3):409-25, 2015. PMID: 25759025. [PDF Full Text]
Zhao, H., Bauzon, F., Bi, E., Yu, J.J., Fu, H., Lu, Z., Cui, J., Jeon, H., Zang, X., Ye, B.H. and Zhu, L. Mutating Threonine 187 of p27 To An Alanine Prevents Pituitary Tumorigenesis By Two-Hit Loss Of Rb1 And Enhances Humoral Immunity In Old Age. J Biol Chem. 290(9):5787-809. 2015. PMID: 25583987, PMCID: PMC4342489.[PDF Full Text]
Kuo P.Y., Leshchenko V.V., Fazzari M.J., Perumal D., Gellen T., He T., Iqbal J., Baumgartner-Wennerholm S., Nygren L., Zhang F., Zhang W., Suh K.S., Goy A., Yang D.T., Chan W.C., Kahl B.S., Verma A.K., Gascoyne R.D., Kimby. E., Sander. B., Ye B.H., Melnick A.M., Parekh S. High resolution Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) sequencing reveals novel bindings targets and prognostic role for SOX11 in Mantle cell lymphoma. Oncogene. 34(10):1231-4, 2015. PMID: 24681958, PMCID: PMC4511176. [PDF Full Text]
Wei, X., Xu, M., Wei, Y., Huang, F., Zhao, T., Li, X., Feng, R.*, and Ye, B.H.* The addition of rituximab to CHOP therapy altered the prognostic significance of CD44 expression. (*Communication authors). J Hematol Oncol. 7(1):34-36, 2014. PMID: 24739401, PMCID: PMC4022142. [PDF Full Text]
Huang, X., Meng, B., Iqbal, J., Ding, B.B., Perry, A.M., Cao, W., Smith, L.M., Bi, C., Jiang, C., Greiner, T.C., Weisenburger, D., Rimsza, L., Rosenwald, A., Ott, G., Delabie, J., Campo, E., Braziel, R., Gascoyne, R., Cook, J., Tubbs, R., Jaffe, E., Armitage, J., Vose, J., Staudt, L., McKeithan, T.W., Chan, W., Ye, B.H.*, Fu, K*. Activation of the STAT3 signaling pathway is associated with poor survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with R-CHOP. J Clin Oncol., 31:4520-8, 2013 (*communication authors). [PDF Full Text]
Ye, B.H., Mai, Y. A Bach2 Link between Pre-B Cell Receptor Checkpoint and Pre-B Cell ALL. Cancer Cell. 2013 24(3):282-4. [PDF Full Text]
Ding, B.B., Bi, E., Chen, H., Yu, J.J. and Ye, B.H. IL-21/STAT3 and CD40L/NF-kappaB synergistically promote plasma cell differentiation through upregulation of Blimp-1. J Immunol. 190(4):1827-36, 2013. [PDF Full Text]
Will, B., Zhou, L., Vogler, T.O., Ben-Neriah, S., Schinke, C.,Tamari, R., Yu, Y., Bhagat, T., Bhattacharya, S., Barreyro, L., Heuck, C., Mo, Y., Parekh, S., McMahon, C., Pellagatti, A., Boultwood, J., Montagna, C., Silverman, L., Maciejewski, J., Greally, J.M., Ye, B.H., List, A.F., Steidl, C., Steidl, U., Verma, A, Stem and progenitor cells in myelodysplastic syndromes show aberrant stage specific expansion and harbor genetic and epigenetic alterations. Blood, 120:2076-86, 2012. [PDF Full Text]
Petrich, A., Leshchenko, V., Kuo, P.-Y., Xia, B., Thirukonda, V.K., Ulahannan, N., Gordon, S., Fazzari, M.J., Ye, B.H., Sparano, J., Parekh, S. Akt Inhibitors MK-2206 and Nelfinavir overcome mTOR inhibitor resistance in DLBCL. Clin Cancer Res. 18:2534-44, 2012. [PDF Full Text]
Nahar R, Ramezani-Rad P, Mossner M, Duy C, Cerchietti L, Geng H, Dovat S, Jumaa H, Ye BH, Melnick A, Müschen M. Pre-B cell receptor-mediated activation of BCL6 induces pre-B cell quiescence through transcriptional repression of MYC. Blood. 118:4174-8, 2011. [PDF Full Text]
Hurtz, C., Hatzi, K., Cerchietti, L., Braig, M., Park, E., Kim, Y-M., Herzog, S., Ramezani-Rad, P., Jumaa, H., Müller, M. C., Hofmann, W-K., Hochhaus, A., Ye, B. H., Agarwal, A., Druker, B. J., Shah, N. P., Melnick A. M. and Müschen, M. BCL6-mediated repression of p53 is critical for leukemia stem cell survival in chronic myeloid leukemia. J Exp Med. 208:2163-74, 2011. [PDF Full Text]
Duy, C., Hurtz, C., Shojaee, S., Cerchietti, L., Geng, H., Swaminathan, S., Klemm, L., Kweon, S-M., Nahar, R., Braig, M., Park, E., Kim, Y-M., Hofmann, W-K., Herzog, S., Jumaa, H., Koeffler, H. P., Yu, J.J., Heisterkamp, N., Graeber, T. G., Wu, H., Ye, B. H., Melnick, A., & Müschen, M. BCL6 enables survival of Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells upon BCR-ABL1 kinase inhibition. Nature, 473:384-388, 2011. [PDF Full Text]
Peled, J.U., Yu, J.J., Venkatesh, J., Bi, E., Ding, B.B., Krupski-Downs, M., Shaknovich, R., Sicinski, P., Diamond, B., Scharff, M.D., Ye, B.H. Requirement for cyclin D3 in germinal center formation and function. Cell Research 20:631-646, 2010. 
Duy, C., Yu, J.J., Nahar, R., Swaminathan, S., Kweon, S.-M., Polo, J.M., Valls, E., Klemm, L., Shojaee, S., Cerchietti, L., Schuh, W., Jack, H.-M., Hurtz, C., Ramezani-Rad, P., Herzog, S., Jumaa, H., Koeffler, H.P., de Alborán, I.M., Melnick, A.M., Ye, B.H. and Müschen, M. BCL6 is critical for the development of a diverse primary B cell repertoire. J Exp Med., 207:1209-21, 2010. 
Mendez, L.M., Polo, J., Krupski, M., Yu, J.J., Melnick, A., Ye, B.H. CtBP1 is an essential corepressor for BCL6 autoregulation. Mol. Cell. Biol., 28:2175-2186, 2008. 
Ding, B.B., Yu, J.J., Yu, Y.-L.R., Mendez, L.M., Shaknovich, R., Zhang, Y, Cattoretti, G., and Ye, B.H. Constitutively activated STAT3 promotes cell proliferation and survival in the activated B cell subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Blood 111:1515-1523, 2008. 
Wang, X., Ding, B.B., Mendez, L.M., Papetti, M., and Ye, B.H. Re: Torlakovic et al. PU.1 protein expression has a positive linear association with protein expression of germinal centre B cell genes including BCL-6, CD10, CD20 and CD22: identification of PU.1 putative binding sites in the BCL-6 promotor. J Pathol 210: 130-131, 2006. 
Pixley, F.J., Xiong, Y., Yu, Y.-L.R., Sahai, E., Stanley, E.R., and Ye, B.H. BCL-6 suppresses RhoA activity to alter macrophage morphology and motility. J. Cell Science. 118:1873-1883, 2005. 
Li, Z.P., Wang, X., Yu, Y.-L. R., Ding, B.B., Yu, J.J., Dai, X.-M., Naganuma, A., Stanley, E.R., and Ye, B.H. BCL-6 negatively regulates expression of the NF-kB1 p105/p50 subunit. J. Immunol. 174: 205-214, 2005. 
Yu, Y.-L.R., Wang, X., Pixley, F.J., Yu, J.J., Dent, A.L., Broxmeyer, H.E., Stanley, E.R., and Ye, B.H. BCL-6 negatively regulates macrophage proliferation by suppressing autocrine IL-6 production. Blood. 105:1111-1784, 2005. 
Pasqualucci, L., Migliazza, A., Ye, B. H., Dalla-Favera, R. Transcriptional Deregulation of Mutated BCL6 Alleles by Loss of Negative Autoregulation in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma.Ann NY Acad Sci, 987: 314-315, 2003. 
Wang, X., Li, Z.-P., Naganuma, A., Ye, B.H. Negative autoregulation of BCL - 6 is bypassed by genetic alterations in diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99:15018-23, 2002. 
Ye, B.H. The Role of BCL-6 in normal lymphoid system and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. In: Normal and malignant development of blood cells. Ravid, K. and Licht J. (eds) Wiley-Liss, Inc. 2001.
Toney, L.M., Cattoretti, G., Merghoub, T., Pandolfi, P.-P., Dalla-Favera, R., Ye, B.H., Dent, A.L. BCL-6 regulates chemokine gene transcription in macrophages. Nature Imm. 1:214-220, 2000. 
Qi, C., Hori. M., Coleman, A.E., Torrey, T.A., Taddesse-Heath, L., Ye, B.H., Chattopadhyay, S.K., Hartley, J.W., Morse, H.C. 3rd. Genomic organisation and expression of BCL6 in murine B-cell lymphomas. Leuk Res. 24:719-732, 2000. [MEDLINE]
Ye, B.H. Role of BCL-6 in the pathogenesis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Cancer Invest. 18:356-365, 2000. [MEDLINE]
Harris, M.B., Chang, C.C., Berton, M.T., Danial, N.N., Zhang, J., Kuehner, D., Ye, B.H., Kvatyuk, M., Pandolfi, P.P., Cattoretti, G., Dalla-Favera, R., Rothman, P.B. Transcriptional Repression of Stat6-Dependent Interleukin-4-Induced Genes by BCL-6: Specific Regulation of Iε Transcription and Immunoglobulin E Switching. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:7264-7275, 1999. 
Niu H., Ye B. H., Dalla-Favera R. Antigen receptor signaling induces MAP kinase-mediated phosphorylation and degradation of the BCL-6 transcription factor. Genes Dev. 12:1953-1961, 1998. 
Ye, B. H., Cattoretti, G., Zhang, J., Hawe, N., Shen, Q., de Waard, R., Orazi, A., Nouri-Shirazi, M., Chaganti, R.S.K., Rothman, P., Stall, A. M., Pandolfi P.-P., and Dalla-Favera, R. The BCL-6 proto-oncogene controls germinal-center formation and Th2-type inflammation. Nature Genet. 16:611-620, 1997. 
Flenghi, L, Bigerna, B., Fizzotti, M., Venturi, S., Pasqualucci, L., Pileri, S., Ye, B. H., Gambacorta, M., Pacini, R., Baroni, C. D., Pescarmona, E., Anagnostopoulos, I., Stein, H., Asdrubali, G., Martelli, M. F., Pelicci, P. G., Dalla-Favera, R., and Falini, B. Monoclonal antibodies PG-B6a and PG-B6p recognize, respectively, a highly conserved and a formol-resistant epitope on the human BCL-6 protein amino-terminal region. Am. J. Pathol. 148:1543-55, 1996. 
Chang C.-C., Ye, B. H., Chaganti, RSK., and Dalla-Favera, R. BCL-6, a POZ/Zinc-finger protein, is a sequence specific transcription repressor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93:6947-6952, 1996. 
Dalla-Favera, R., Ye, B. H., Cattoretti, G., Lo Coco, F., Chang, C.-C., Zhang, J., Migliazza, A., Cechova, K., Niu, H., Chaganti, S., Chen, W., Louie, D. C., Offit, K., and Chaganti, RSK. BCL-6 in diffuse large-cell lymphomas. In: Important Advances in Oncology 1996. DeVita, V. T., Hellman, S., and Rosenberg, S. A. (eds) Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, pp. 139-148, 1996.
Ye, B. H., Chaganti, S., Chang, C.-C., Niu, H., Corradini, P., Chaganti, RSK., and Dalla-Favera, R. Chromosomal translocations cause deregulated BCL6 expression by promoter substitution in B cell lymphoma. EMBO J. 14:6209-6217, 1995. 
Ye, B. H., Lo Coco, F., Chang, C.-C., Zhang, J., Migliazza, A., Cechova, K., Knowles, D. M., Offit, K., Chaganti, R.S., and Dalla-Favera, R. Alterations of the BCL-6 gene in diffuse large-cell lymphoma. In: Current Topics in Microbiology & Immunology. M, Potter (ed), 194:101-8, 1995.
Cechova, K., Gu, W., Ye, B. H., Lo Coco, F., Chang, C-C., Zhang, J., Migliazza, A., Mellado, W., Niu, H., and Dalla-Favera, R. Advances in the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of aggressive B cell lymphomas. In: Normal and Malignant Hematopoiesis: New Advances, Mihichm, E., Metcalf, D. (eds) Plenum Press, pp. 131-154, 1995.
Migliazza, A., Martinotti, S., Chen, W., Fusco, C., Ye, B. H., Knowles, D. M., Offit, K., Chaganti, R.S.K., and Dalla-Favera, R. Frequent somatic hypermutation of the 5' non-coding region of the BCL-6 gene in B-cell lymphoma. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 92:12520-12524, 1995. 
Flenghi, L., Ye, B. H., Fizzotti, M., Bigerna, B., Cattoretti, G., Venturi, S., Pacini, R., Pileri, S., Lo Coco, F., Pescarmona, E., Pelicci, P-G., Dalla-Favera, R., and Falini, B. A specific monoclonal antibody (PG-B6) detects expression of the BCL-6 Protein in germinal center B cells. Am. J. Pathol. 147:405-411, 1995. 
Cattoretti, G., Chang, C-C., Cechova, K., Zhang, J., Ye, B. H., Falini, B., Louie, C. C., Offit, K., Chaganti, R.S.K., and Dalla-Favera, R. The BCL-6 protein is expressed in germinal center B-cells. Blood 86:45-53, 1995. 
Offit, K., Lo Coco, F., Louie, D. C., Parsa, N. Z., Leong, D., Portlock, C., Ye, B. H., Lista, F., Filippa, D. A., Rosenbaum, A., Ladanyi, M., Dalla-Favera, R., and Chaganti, R.S.K. Rearrangement of the BCL-6 gene as a prognostic marker in diffuse large cell lymphoma. N. Engl. J. Med. 331:74-80, 1994. [MEDLINE]
Gaidano, G., Lo Coco, F., Ye, B. H., Shibata, D., Levine, A. M., Knowles, D. M., and Dalla-Favera, R. Rearrangements of the BCL-6 gene in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome- associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: association with diffuse large-cell subtype. Blood 84:397-402, 1994. 
Lo Coco, F., Ye, B. H., Lista, F., Corradini, P., Offit, K., Knowles, D. M., Chaganti, R.S.K., and Dalla-Favera, R. Rearrangements of the BCL-6 gene in diffuse large-cell non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Blood 83:1757-1759, 1994. 
Dalla-Favera, R., Ye, B. H., Lo Coco, F., Chang, C-C.,Cechova, K., Zhang, J., Migliazza, A., Mellado, W., Niu, H., Chaganti, S., Chen, W., Offit, K., and Chaganti, R.S.K. BCL-6 and the molecular pathogenesis of B Cell lymphoma. In: Molecular Genetics of Cancer, CSH Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, Vol. 59, pp. 117-123, 1994.
Dalla-Favera, R., Ye, B. H., Lo Coco, F., Gaidano, G., Lista, F., Knowles, D. M., Louie, D. C., Offit, K., and Chaganti, R.S.K. Identification of genetic lesions associated with diffuse large-cell lymphoma. In: Annals of Oncology 5 (Suppl. 1):S55-60, 1994.
Ye, B. H., Lista, F., Lo Coco, F., Knowles, D. M., Offit, O., Chaganti, R.S.K., and Dalla-Favera, R. Alterations of a zinc-finger encoding gene, BCL-6, in diffuse large-cell lymphoma. Science 262:747-750, 1993. 
Ye, B. H., Rao, P. H., Chaganti, R.S.K., and Dalla-Favera, R. Cloning of BCL-6, the locus involved in chromosomal translocations affecting Band 3q27 in B-cell lymphoma. Cancer Res. 53:2732-35, 1993. |