Analytical Imaging The Analytical Imaging Facility (AIF) provides a comprehensive light and electron microscope imaging facility dedicated to offering current methods in modern imaging to biomedical scientists with all levels of expertise. The AIF staff has been cross-trained to seamlessly support visual analysis using techniques ranging from fluorescence light microscope imaging in 3D to high-resolution electron microscopy. This integrated approach facilitates the efficient and appropriate complementary application of these methods for Einstein investigators. Services Access the Services Epi-Fluorescence Microscopy Color Brightfield Microscopy Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy Multi Photon Microscopy Sample Preparation for Electron Microscopy Transmission Electron Microscopy Cryo Transmission Electron Microscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy Cryo Scanning Electron Microscopy X-Ray Microanalysis Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy Customized Quantitative Image Analysis Image Data Presentation TIRF and Super Resolution microscopy (STORM and SIM) High Capacity, High Resolution Digital Slide Scanner 3D and 4D image visualization and customized image analysis including: Volocity, Imaris and IMOD Related Shared Facilities Biohazard Immunology/PathologyFlow Cytometry Histotechnology and Comparative Pathology Molecular Cytogenetic Core Center Affiliations Diabetes Research CenterMarion Bessin Liver Research CenterMontefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center Selected Publications Analytical Imaging Facility Publication Covers Lagou et al. 2024 bioRxiv. Morphometric Analysis of the Thymic Epithelial Cell (TEC) Network Using Integrated and Orthogonal Digital Pathology Approaches Wan, Brown, Kielian 2020 m Bio. Berberine Chloride is an Alphavirus Inhibitor That Targets Nucleocapsid Assembly Weinreb et al. 2022 Dev Cell. Excessive R-loops trigger an inflammatory cascade leading to increased HSPC production Location and Contacts Analytical Imaging Forchheimer 641 and Price Center 210 & 216 John S. Condeelis, PH.D.Scientific Director718-678-1126john.condeelis@einsteinmed.eduFrank P. Macaluso, M.Sc.Director of Electron Microscopy and Administration718-430-3547frank.macaluso@einsteinmed.eduVera DesMarais Ph.DDirector of Light Microscopy & Image