Our valued partnerships with researchers in and outside of the Montefiore Einstein
allow for new opportunities to conduct pragmatic clinical trials within routine
care settings. NYC RING serves as a liaison between investigators and partner sites
in a
range of diverse urban practice environments – both across the academic health
and within our community-based practices. Here are some of the ways NYC RING can
researchers throughout the life cycle of a study:
- Methods support and consultation
- Clinical setting identification and engagement
- Implementation of protocols into existing clinic workflows
- Dissemination and integration of findings in clinical settings
Partner with NYC RING
Interested in partnering with NYC RING on an existing or future study? Please complete
this form
for the MMG Research Committee and be sure to select ‘yes’ at the bottom of the form to indicate that you would like to work with NYC RING. See more information below to learn about our study selection process.”
selection process.
Study Selection Process
Wondering if your study could be a good fit for collaborating with NYC RING? Check out
figure below to see how potential projects are assessed by our Study Selection
Committee. This system helps us identify the projects we can best support and which
align with the NYC RING mission.
Assessment of Health Impact:
1. Potential to advance a health equity agenda
2. Potential to provide practices with tools or strategies to improve patient care
Assessment of Network Engagement:
3. Relevance of the study question to urban primary care practice
4. Potential to engage primary care researchers from within Montefiore Einstein
Assessment of Proposal & Plan:
5. Rigor and merit of the study approach and proposed analytic plan
6. Feasibility of the project with respect to logistical realities of the setting