Mark Guelfguat, D.O.
- Professor, Department of Radiology (Abdominal Radiology)
Área de investigación
- Emergency, Abdominal and Cardiac Imaging, Medical Education
Nuestra ubicación
- Jacobi Medical Center 1400 Pelham Parkway Sur Building 1 4N-15 Bronx, NY 10461
Publicaciones Seleccionadas
M Guelfguat, N Nurulbhai, N Solounias. Median accessory digastric muscle: radiological and surgical correlation. Clinical Anatomy 2001; 14: 42-47.
SP Karakas, M Guelfguat, JC Leonidas, S Springer, SP Singh. Acute appendicitis in children: comparison of clinical diagnosis with ultrasound and CT imaging. Pediatric Radiology 2000; 30: 94-98.
WB Zucconi, M Guelfguat, N Solounias. Approach to the educational opportunities provided by variant anatomy, illustrated by discussion of a duplicated inferior vena cava. Clinical Anatomy 2002; 15:165-8.
JC Leonidas, M Guelfguat, E Valderrama. Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis. Lancet 2003; 361:1293-95.
M Guelfguat, T Gruenberg, J DiPoce, and J Hochsztein. Imaging of Mechanical Tubal Occlusion Devices and Potential Complications. Radiographics 2012; 32: 1659-1673.
J DiPoce, M Guelfguat and J DiPoce. Radiologic findings in cases of attempted suicide and other self-injurious behavior. Radiographics 2012; 32: 2005-24.
JN Salamon, MJ Garcia, M Guelfguat, J Meisner. A Heart of Stone: Rapid Metastatic Cardiac Calcification in an ESRD Patient. JACC 2013: 61:2309.
N Vaidya, D Strauchler, M Guelfguat. Computed tomography angiography diagnosis of tracheo-innominate fistula: a case report and review of literature. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2013; 3: 121-125.
JN Salamon, S Mannem, M Guelfguat. Quite a backup: pericardial varices in a patient with hereditary antithrombin deficiency. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2013; 3:175-177.
M Guelfguat, V Kaplinskiy, S Reddy, J DiPoce. Clinical Guidelines for Imaging and Reporting Ingested Foreign Bodies. AJR 2014; 203: 37-53.
P Handa, S Khader, S Buchbinder, MGuelfguat. Low-Grade Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Breast Developing Around a Localization Wire Fragment. Lab Med2015; 46: 241-247.
E Blumfield, J Zember, M Guelfguat, A Blumfield and H Goldman. Evaluation of an initiative to reduce radiation exposure from CT to children in a non-pediatric-focused facility. Emerg Radiol 2015; 22: 631-41.
E Newman and M Guelfguat. Mycobacterium Avium-intracellulare Complex Enteritis. J Am Osteopath Coll Radiol 2015; 4: 27.
M Guelfguat, J DiPoce and J DiPoce. A dental nightmare, resolved: what a radiologist needs to know when consulted about ingestion of dental foreign body material. BJR Case Rep 2016; 2: 20150166 (doi: 10.1259/bjrcr.20150166).
Gligich O and M Guelfguat. Elderly woman with sharp shoulder pain. J Fam Pract 2016; 65(5): 345-347.
E Mardakhaev, M Guelfguat, J Meisner, Noah Weg. Dual Supply of Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery on CCTA, Not Recognized on Prior Cardiac Catheterizations. Can J Cardiol, in press.