Kamini Singh

Kamini Singh, Ph.D.

Area of research

  • My laboratory investigates the gene expression and therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer through the lens of the ribosome. We study the mechanisms of mRNA translation and the role of regulatory RNA in cancer progression, metastasis, and immune regulation.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Golding Building 203 Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Kamini Singh

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Activation of mRNA translation is a common feature of cancer cells. However, it is not clear to what extent increased mRNA translation contributes to cancer progression, shaping the tumor microenvironment and immune response. Through the lens of ribosomes, we explore the mechanistic underpinnings of translation reprogramming in MYC and KRAS-driven cancer model, the tumor microenvironment, and immune response to cancer.

Selected Publications

1. T. U. Nguyen, H. Hector, E. N. Pederson, J. Lin, Z. Ouyang, H. G. Wendel, K. Singh “Rapamycin-Induced Feedback Activation of eIF4E-EIF4A De-pendent mRNA Translation in Pancreatic Cancer”. Cancers, 2023  Mar; 15(5): 1444.

2.  P. Mohan, J. Pasion, G. Ciriello, N. Lailler, E. de Stanchina, A. Viale, A. V. Berg, A. Diepstra, H. G. Wendel, V. R. Sanghvi, and K. Singh “Frequent 4EBP1 amplification induces synthetic dependence on FGFR signaling in cancer”. Cancers, 2022 14(10), 2397.

3.  K. Singh, J. Lin, N. Lecomte, P. Mohan, A. Gokce, V. R. Sanghvi, M. Jiang, O. Grbovic-Huezo, A. Burčul, S. G. Stark, P. B. Romesser, Q. Chang, J. P. Melchor, R. K. Beyer, M. Duggan, Y. Fukase, G. Yang, O. Ouerfelli, A. Viale, E. de Stanchina, A. W. Stamford, P. T. Meinke, G. R.tsch, S. D. Leach, Z. Ouyang, and H. G. Wendel, “Targeting eIF4A Dependent Translation of KRAS Signaling Molecules”. Cancer Research, 2021, April 2021, 81 (8).

4. K. Singh, J. Lin, Y. Zhong, A. Burčul, P. Mohan, M. Jiang, A. Viale, J. R. Cross, L. Sun, V. Yong, R. Hendrickson, G. Rätsch, Z. Ouyang, and H. G. Wendel, “c-MYC regulates mRNA translation efficiency and start site selection in lymphoma”. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2019, July 216 (7): 1509.

5. K. Singh*, A. L. Wolfe*, Y. Zhong, P. Drewe, V. K. Rajasekhar, V. R. Sanghvi, K. J. Mavrakis, J. E. Roderick, J. V. Meulen, J. H. Schatz, C. M. Rodrigo, M. Jiang, C. Zhao, P. Rondou, E. de Stanchina, J. Teruya-Feldstein, M. A. Kelliher, F. Speleman, J. A. Porco Jr., J. Pelletier, G. Rätsch, and H. G. Wendel, “RNA G-quadruplexes cause eIF4A dependent oncogene translation in cancer”. Nature, 2014, Sep 4; 513 p. 65–70. [*Equal Contribution].